The Infrastructure For Rebuilding America (INFRA) grants program provides dedicated, discretionary funding for projects that address critical issues facing out nation's highways and bridges. INFRA grants will support the Administration's commitment to fixing our nation's crumbling infrastructure by creating opportunities for all levels of government and the private sector to fund infrastructure, using innovative approaches to improve the necessary processes for building significant projects, and increasing accountability for the projects that are built.​
The Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Discretionary Grants program replaces the pre-existing Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program. BUILD Transportation grants are for investments in surface transportation infrastructure and are to be awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant local or regional impact. BUILD funding can support roads, bridges, transit, rail, ports or intermodal transportation.​

The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) provides funding for programs and projects defined as transportation alternatives, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities​, and environmental mitigation; recreational trail programs projects; safe routes to school projects; and projects for planning, designing, or constructing boulevards and other roadways largely in the right-of-way of former Interstate System routes or other divided highways. For most TAP projects, the Federal share is the same as for the general Federal-aid highway program: 80 percent Federal/20 percent State or local match.
The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funds to the States for the development of community-based, motorized and non-motorized recreational trails projects. The program provides funds for all kinds of recreational trail uses, such as pedestrian uses (hiking, running, wheelchair use), bicycling, in-line skating, equestrian use, cross-country skiing, off-road motorcycling, all-terrain vehicle riding, four-wheel driving. The RTP is an assistance program of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). For most RTP projects, the Federal share is the same as for the general Federal-aid highway program: 80 percent Federal/20 percent State or local match.

The Maryland Safe Routes to School grant program are federal-funded sustained efforts by community members and governments to enable and encourage children to safely walk or bicycle to school. Funds can be used for engineering improvements, such as upgrades to crosswalks, traffic signals and signage around schools, as well as for educational and enforcement efforts. Grants are distributed to state, local and regional agencies, as well as non-profit organizations.
The Maryland Bikeways grant program provides technical assistance and grant support for a wide range of bicycle network development activities. The Program supports projects that maximize bicycle access and fill missing links in the state's bicycle system, focusing on connecting bicycle-friendly trails and roads and enhancing last-mile connections to work, school, shopping and transit. On-road bicycle projects, such a bike lane striping, sharrows, and wayfinding signage are eligible for funding. Off-road shared-use path an trail projects are also eligible for funding. Only public agencies are eligible to apply.
The FTA Bus & Bus Facilities Infrastructure Investment Program (49 U.S.C. 5339) makes federal resources available to states and direct recipients to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities including technological changes or innovations to modify low or no emission vehicles or facilities. Funding is provided through formula allocations and competitive grants.

The FTA Section 5310 Program (49 U.S.C. 5310) provides formula funding to states for the purpose of assisting private nonprofit groups in meeting the transportation needs of older adults and people with disabilities when the transportation service provided is unavailable, insufficient, or inappropriate to meeting these needs. The program aims to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation service and expanding transportation mobility options.
The Maryland Statewide Transit Innovation Grant program is a competitive grant program that supports local efforts to improve transit reliability, improve access and connections to activity centers, and improve transit mobility options. The program seeks to fund cost-effective public transportation projects that reduce delays for people and goods and improve connectivity between regional and economic population centers. Projects may incorporate bus, rail, or other transit modes. Only public agencies are eligible to apply.